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A hot summer day six young men and two young women meet at the beach beside a deep river. After a while they go for a swim. At a point where the river is 8 meters deep, one of the boys gets the idea of diving to the bottom, and to bring up a handful of clay as a proof of the feat. The others follow his example. Back on dry land one of the girls suddenly wonders where Gabi is. W...

正在播放:漂流HD 。 更新于07-14 19:03,播放来源于云播tk。





漂流HD在线观看。 更新于07-14 19:03,播放来源于云播tk。


剧情介绍:HD-A hot summer day six young men and two young women meet at the beach beside a deep river. After a while they go for a swim. At a point where the river is 8 meters deep, one of the boys gets the idea of diving to the bottom, and to bring up a handful of clay as a proof of the feat. The others follow his example. Back on dry land one of the girls suddenly wonders where Gabi is. W...——小兵分享提供。