Southern Belle


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  • 地区: 法国
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Southern Belle剧情内容介绍

Southern Belle

Cherished daughter of a billionaire oil-tycoon, Taelor, age 26, grew up in one of those guilded ghettos of Houston, Texas. At 15, her father's sudden and mysterious death tolls the bell of an idyllic childhood, entailing a fall into a reckless life filled with drug-abuse and firearms. Her portrait serves as an insight into modern-day decadent America lead by Donald Trump, new h...

发布于2018年。由Nicolas Peduzzi执导,并于2018-04-11(法国)公映的电影。


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Southern Belle评价

  • 没看完 但是感到美国的decay 我随便追着个中国***拍一个会不会更*
