Dial H for Hitchcock


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Dial H for Hitchcock剧情内容介绍

Dial H for Hitchcock又名Hitchcock: Shadow of a Genius

This documentary is a fascinating look at the cinematic genius of Alfred Hitchcock. Briefly covering much of his early British works, the film primarily focuses on his American classics, such as "Shadow of a Doubt", "Notorious", "Rear Window", "Vertigo", "Psycho" and "The Birds". The movie also covers his television years and neatly examines the Hitchcock signature touches, fro...

发布于1999年。由Ted Haimes执导,集众多位阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克、凯文·史派西、乔纳森·戴米等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1999-10-13公映的电影。


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