The Comic Strip Presents: Oxford


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The Comic Strip Presents: Oxford

When American comic actor Steve 'Zoo Zoo Zoo Off Come ** Pants' Wild arrives in Oxford to make a comedy film his poetry-****** girlfriend Caroline goes behind his back to enrol on a course studying Byron's poetry. Hannah Van Hosenstratt comes from New Orleans for the course but is tricked into believing she has a place by the dean,who seduces her, and she can make no headway wi...

发布于1990年。由Peter Richardson执导,并且由编剧Peter Richardson、Pete Richens携幕后团队创作。集众多位珍妮弗·桑德斯、唐·弗兰奇、伦尼·亨利、罗纳德·艾伦、莱斯利·菲利普斯、彼得·理查德森、亚德里安·埃德蒙松等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1990-02-22公映的电视剧。


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The Comic Strip Presents: Oxford评价

  • 最大收获是再次看到Ronald Allen…越看越觉得french & saunders确实很符合**十年代审美…但我还是想看到saunders你那纯酱油老公稍微多几秒钟镜头啊><
