El Dandy


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El Dandy剧情内容介绍

El Dandy又名Dandy (English international)

Inspired by the 1997 American drama Donnie Brasco, El Dandy tells the story of a law professor who has been hired by the Attorney General, to participate in a program of special operations, where you must infiltrate one of the most notorious drug cartels of Mexico ****. Under the false name Daniel "El Dandy" Bracho, begins the task of identifying all the members of this clandes...

发布于2015年。由迈克·内威尔执导,并且由编剧Rodrigo Ordoñez、Larissa Andrade携幕后团队创作。集众多位阿方索·埃雷拉、达米安·阿尔卡扎、Itahisa Machado等著名实力派明星加盟。

豆瓣评分未知,暂时没有评分,请继续等待。类型为犯罪的电视剧。创作于墨西哥 Maxico地区,具有西班牙语语言版本。

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